Things to Know About Design of Isometric Plans
We’re surviving in a 3D world. So why on earth should you stick to a flat design? Isometric design-the latest design trend-gives you the best of both: a 3D design where there are no converging perspective lines.
Kind of like flat design and 3D design expecting.
So let’s get you ahead of the curve which means you could be the first on your block to have this dynamic technique at your disposal. Put on your 3D glasses, grab a bag of popcorn and get prepared to bob and weave, because the intricacies of isometric design are coming the right path.
Why is isometric design trending right now?
Isometric designs are like your selected Hollywood stars. They used to be flat and boring, however now you already know a ton about them because of social media and #WokeUpLikeThis selfies. Like social media, isometric designs give you more perspectives over a subject. Being able to see the side and top of a design makes folks want to know more about it. Especially for businesses who give their customers more options, or whose product or service looks great in 3D, isometric designs will be the perfect visual metaphor.
The isometric technique also gives you to indicate more details with less clutter. Having the ability to show a space in 3D opens up nooks and crannies previously unavailable. There’s literally more space to put things in.
The limitations of flat design of isometric plans
Isometric design is a natural evolution out of flat design that retained its simplicity, but also added some new depth-literally.
Here are three ways that flat design can take you back:
Flat design isn’t as ergonomic as isometric. (Say that one 5 times fast!)
When icons have depth, they look embossed or raised. Users know wherever to tap or click.
Simpler isn’t always better
If designs are too elementary, displaying complex visual information can be difficult.
Flat design limits your visual options
You can have a bigger bag of tricks at your disposal when you’ve got a design with a top and two sides compared just a front.
How to make a great isometric design
Isometric design is built on the few simple techniques. If you’re design-savvy, this quick tutorial is a great way to understand how to put those techniques into practice.
As you start experimenting with isometric design-whether you’re a designer yourself or perhaps need a design-here are a few considerations to bear in mind:
The 120º rule
Isometric design is an exclusive club. Lot’s of pseudo-isometric designs are masquerading as the real thing. Don’t be fooled by them. It’s only isometric if there’s a 120º angle between your x, y, and z-axes.
No converging lines
Isometric style differs from how our eyes perceive things. Look outside: the parallel lines receding into the distance converge into a vanishing point. This doesn’t happen with isometrics. You will discover no converging lines and things appear because they are, rather than as we wacky humans see them.
Avoid clutter
Since you can do way more tricks in three dimensions than in two, it’s tempting to throw in everything however the kitchen sink. But remember, even though you can do something doesn’t indicate you should. When bombarded with too much information, users can certainly become confused and become turned off.
This typography for a German radio station makes responsible use of isometric technique: one color, shading where necessary, and a readable font. The translation of the written text is something such as: “Hear yourself happy”. Beautiful message, elegant design.